

in the usual early morning

已有 593 次阅读2016-12-28 15:39

              Served as Japan's capital and the emperor's residence from 794 until 1868, Kyoto is now the country's seventh largest city with a population of 1. 4 million people and a modern face. It still retains an important role in the minds of the Japanese people so far. Several thousand years, from ghosts and gods to history and culture, there always are the place where most people can find themselves. I can say that each of the individuals here will find inner peace in mottled colors temple. Kyoto has such magical power, influencing you, as well as into your heart like chongqing motel 
               Breathtaking sights are everywhere, though some places truly stand out, among them Kyoto's great temples, such as Kiyomizu-dera, Kinkaku-ji and also the forest-cloaked Fushimi-Inari Taisha. They are all the hottest locations in Kyoto according to the Kyoto travel guide. Kiyomizu-dera Built in 778, Kiyomizu-dera is the oldest temple in Kyoto, inscribed on the World Heritage List after 1994. In front of the hall is Shimizu Stage, the Japanese national treasures, surrounded by green trees. It is a famous scenic spot of cherry blossoms and red maple leaves. There are so many tourists visiting Kiyomizu-dera, it is better to visit in the usual early morning.






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