

a symbol associated with Kyoto

已有 522 次阅读2016-12-28 15:48

             Built in 778, Kiyomizu-dera is the oldest temple in Kyoto, inscribed on the World Heritage List after 1994. In front of the hall is Shimizu Stage, the Japanese national treasures, surrounded by green trees. It is a famous scenic spot of cherry blossoms and red maple leaves. There are so many tourists visiting Kiyomizu-dera, it is better to visit in the usual early morning yancheng hotel 
              Kinkaku-ji It is said that the gardens in the center of the Kinkaku-ji is "Elysium". Especially in the fine day, it is absolutely the superb scenery, which has become a symbol associated with Kyoto. Spring and autumn is the peak season regarding Kinkaku-ji, but actually here all year round has different views of beauty, whether it is fall months red simply leaves or winter snow, it is unique and fascinating.
               Fushimi Inari Taisha Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto is located south of a shrine dedicated to bless commercial prosperity, good harvest and the agriculture god Inari with many pilgrims. The most famous landscapes is the vermeil" loss of amusement" behind the main hall, one of the typical landscape of Kyoto. Follow the steps of the main indication map to clean hands, and then to the main corridor to clap your hands and pray for it. It is best to pray for the theme related to business and wealth.






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